Friday, 30 October 2009

Hellooo Winter

The winter months are arriving, the days and short and the darkness had come. This means no more hacking after school :(

Mayfly has had to say a much needed welcome to the clippers, this year she has just had a little bib clip in hope that it will keep her a little cooler and prevent too much sweat but not making her too cold either. As it is not like she is in full work but she needed something as after our charges around the countryside she is a ball of sweaty fluff! hahaa

Good news is that the bridleway which gets ridiculously muddy in the winter has been re-surfaced :D:D so fingers crossed hacking will be a lot less mud filled this winter :)

However, problems were caused when they were doing the work. Mayfly and I had to play super spies in order to sneak out on our hack across the 'shut' bridle way, past all the scary flappy orange tap, sign posts and much more...but we managed it.
Until one day...we made our way to the gate onto the bridleway and out of nowhere came a very noisy tractory horse eating creature, Mayfly went mad and we were off across the field running away from the monster. I was just holding my breath that she would manage to navigate around the coffin XC jump! ahaa

We have also had to acquaint ourselves to the new neighbours which come in the form of lamas and noisy turkeys, all very scary according to Mayfly! :')

Ohhh and the deer are out and about again, we came across one the other day which was a BEAST, massive male with huge muscle and antlers...Mayfly clever took the option of running aways from it very very fast. wayyyheyyy :)
Someones not got any arthritis anymore ahaha.

Friday, 11 September 2009

What a Madame!

Mayfly is still happily hacking around the countryside :)

She had a lovely summer doing so, but now summer is coming to an end and she is getting somewhat fluffy! ahhh the good old winter coats.

She has had a few canters on the stubble fields, and she even took off with me full pelt gallop across one. I had no control at all, but by the end of it she was unsurprisingly rather tired lol.

On our hack the other day she decided to make a big scene out of, what I believe to be, nothing. to say I got angry with her is an understatement! haa
First of all she stopped, and wouldn't walk on. Then when I put on my leg she started to go backwards, then sideways and then she made a quick spin and attempted to take off with me. If that wasn't enough she then decided to play up and start going sideways past some logs and making some stressy snorting and heavy breathing!
As for her thoughts on food, she can't stop eating. I think the summer grass is finally going so she now feels she needs to eat more..despite the fact that she is the size of a house! She spends every moment of everyday, when anyone appears into her sight, shouting for more feed. whataa fatty ay?! :D

Saturday, 8 August 2009


Doesn't she look so at home... :)
She loved all the attention, she loved her appletizer, and she decided to attempt to try the potted plant in the bottom right corner of the picture. Luckily I grabbed her before she did!

It was a lovely hack down, took 1hour 15minutes to get there and then 1hour to get home. With a nice 1hour break at the pub (with plenty of eyes on Mayfly) it was a brilliant day out.

On the hack down we came upon some stubble which Fly insisted on zooming along. Although she tired herself out as she is so unfit at the moment bless the fat mare. She was really funny as well as she was convinced that I was lost and therefore obviously needed her to take us both home as quick as possible!

On the way back we went through a very overgrown bridleway with thorn bushes coming from every direction. I knew before I had gone through that it was going to end up nastily, and it was. I lent right across Mayfly's neck, which she took as an opportunity to trot off and seeing as I had no control there was not much I could do about this. At the same time I had thorns attacking me all along my arms and over my back (seeing as I am so clever and it was a hot day I was only in a vest). Once I came to the end of this hell I was covered in blood and was incredibly painful!

Apart from that minor slip up the hack was very enjoyable and I will definitely being doing it again, however I will not be going down that bridle way!

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Happy Horse :D

Mayfly is obviously feeling brilliant at the moment!

She is flying round hacks, and happily breaks into canter when she feels the ground is good :)
It is so nice to see her enjoying herself again and being able waddle round the hertfordshire countryside.
I have been thinking that maybe she is going faster due to my amazing singing that she has to deal with on our hacks (I wouldn't be surprised!) with the thinking that the sooner she returns the sooner my singing will stop, haha. Today she broke into canter and was about to zoom off, the fastest she has gone in a long time but, I thought that it was probably best if I did hold her back a bit or she would be regretting in tomorrow!
We manage to beat the big black thunderstorm back though, I was worried about being stuck in it not only because of the scary thunder and lightning but also seeing as I was not wearing appropriate clothing for a heavy downpour!

I thought as well that she has lost a bit of weight whilst I was away...hmm I am sure that was just my eyes playing tricks on me ;) She has gone the beautiful fox colour that she goes in the summer, she looks so pretty and I finally got round to pulling her mane :D

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Fat Ponio is back in work :)

I am so happy that Mayfly is back in work again :)
we are back to doing our waddling hacks around the beautiful countryside causing mayhem and destruction to the greenery that she must eat!

When walking out of the yard all tacked up she plays up, and drags her legs as if to say she is too lame to go out. But once we get going she is more than happy to be out.
I'm letting her pick the pace and occasionally she breaks into an extended trot, which is very pleasing (although only past turnings so she zooms down the track which leads to the home the quickest!) she is soo naughty!

It is really nice to be riding her again, as it gives me a chance to go on a relaxing hack without having to be on my toes all the time. However, Mayfly still pops in a spook or some sort of cheekiness to liven up the hack. lol.

Hopefully she will be able to keep up the light hacking for a long time still :)

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Bathing the BIG Marey :)

Bless Old Mayfly, living out in the field gradually growing fatter and fatter.

The Grazing muzzle has been well and truly banned as she is such a stubborn madame she simply refuses to eat or move when it is on!
The field shelter has arrived now, however Mayfly also refuses to go into that unless the weather is thoroughly horrendous. At least it is there for her if she does ever give in, and wonder on in there, especially in this heat as the horse flies are out in fighting attack at the moment.

So she was shouting her head off at me with anger that I have been apparently ignoring her recently so I decided to bring her in and give her a nice long bath as she is all greasy and dirty. I think she enjoyed it a lot, so much so that when I turned her out she went for a lovely kind of her! Grrrr. lol

Her arthritis doesn't seem to be causing her any problems when tea is involved, the gate gets opened and she comes storming up to the yard on her own, goes straight through to the feed bins and shouts as if she wants to help make her tea as we humans are obviously too slow for her. She is soo funny :D

Sleeepy wet marey..... hahaa

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Pure Anger from the FAT One!

This sums up Mayfly's reaction to the one and only dreaded MUZZLE!

The conclusion was that if she was aloud to continue stuffing herself full of grass she would actually lead herself to death! There is barely any grass out there at the moment so just imagine what size she will be once the grass properly starts to come through.

So the muzzle was the only option. We had been contemplating it for a while, but we knew all too well what her reaction would be. Pure anger and hate. We guessed right. I turned her out with it on and she spun round and stood staring at me as if to say "funny joke, now get it off!" When she realised that wasn't happening she went for the approach of trying to get me to feel sorry for her. She stood at the gate for hours refusing to eat and generally sulking! oh and how can I forget her snorting and puffing as if she couldn't breathe, I am not falling for as I know that the ponies cope perfectly fine with it so for once the spoilt madame is not going to be getting things her way!

Although I do think that give it a few more days and I reckon she'll of got it off, and I'll find it in pieces smashed up around the field! hahaa.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Cheeky Spooky Fat Horsey

Apparently things have randomly become somewhat scary at the moment...

Mayfly feels the need to spook or have a huffy fit over nearly everything, whether it has moved position, is making a funny noise or is just generally not how she wants things to be.
She's shot off along the track because of pigeons flying out the trees, zoomed backwards along the road because of a cement mixer, huffed and puffed over I don't know what and spooked at the broken filler that had been put next to the fence, which, I will add a 4 year old and 3 year old managed to walk past without blinking an eyelid and as Mayfly is 17 you would think she was past that stage, but obviously not!

Ahh she likes to keep the hacks interesting that's for sure, silly marey! :)

Also she is still managing to be faaatt even though he feeds are tiny and there is not actually much grass in her field. She never fails to live on air.
Although she does insist on pointing out to me that due to her not being able to eat enough she has become too tired to work properly out on hacks. hmm, like I am falling for that one because when she feels like a charge she can definitely manage it then...hahaa

Monday, 18 May 2009

Ride and Lead, Ride and Lead.

The ponies are sooo FAT!

Having to constantly ride and lead so they don't explode.

Of course this is leading to some sort of cow parsley massacre, it is getting a little silly now I can't wait for it to all die off! lol. I may have to resort to putting the flash back on, but I can see her just stretching it and carrying on munching anyway.
It hasn't been going too badly apart from the odd occasion when my arm nearly comes out of it's socket due to a naughty pony slamming of the brakes. I may come out of the saddle one of these days! that is if I don't break my arm before that...
Mayfly has been a little cheeky about it too, racing and pulling angry faces. It is amazing how fast she can march when she wants to. :)

Her majesty does still get a nice hack by herself, which she is thoroughly enjoying now the ground has soften up a bit. Just a shame that the stomach still seems to be growing.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Happy Birthday Mayfly!

Sunday 10th May - Mayfly's 17th Birthday :o)

She's an old girl now! Not so sure she has noticed though.

We went for our birthday hack on Saturday as I was grooming on Sunday. Went for a lovely 2 hour, one that we have only been on once before and that was a long time ago now.
I think she could still remember it, which was lucky as I was a bit sticky on where to go... ahaa.
It was a beautiful day and a beautiful hack to go along with it :D
We came across a puddle which I put her into trot for as I know she likes a good splash on a hot day, bless her little heart she popped into canter for a proper good ol'charge through it.

On her birthday she got a rest relaxing and sunbathing in the field as it was a day full of sun especially for her.
When I returned she was shouting at me as if to say, "I don't care where you have been, but I need my dinner!"
I wouldn't be surprised that if she went one day without her feed and herbs she would 'happen' to go lame the next day, fat fat mare cannot possibly cope if she doesn't get her feed!
I made up her feed, went down to the field opened the gate and gave her a little encouragement and off she trotted up to the barn on a rampage for her food. ahh she is a funny one :o)

Friday, 8 May 2009

Cow Parsley Carnage

Naughty Fat little Mayfly has been attempting to eat her way through all of the Cow Parsley in the whole of Hertfordshire!

We went for a hysterical hack with a friend on a bike at the weekend, during which I managed to get some lovely snapshots of me and the glorious Fly to add to my collection (just a shame it wasn't a bit sunnier for them!) Got one in the Rape field, bluebells and going through the stream bit :) Went for a hack today through the new gate a crossing that has been put in, meaning that we can now miss out a lot of the wet muddy part of the track. It is very pleasing, although Mayfly was not too sure about it to begin with and had to do a routine check in case it was going to eat her or something! ahaa.

Once we managed to venture out of the land the scoffing began. Every dingle bit of cow parsley we passed had to make it's way into Mayfly's mouth somehow. Eventually I had to stretch down (at the same time as holding her back as of course she was not going to miss a chance to run) at attempt to take of her flash, it was far from easy but I managed it and she was very content that she could now fit more yummy stuff into her mouth!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Eventful Hack!!!

Today we went on a hack with Catherine and Ben.
Mayfly started quite slow and lazy, going for her daily waddle. Mind you as soon as we got close to the turnings which take us onto a long hack so picked up the pace in order to gallop past them so I couldn't turn her up them. I was having none of that! :O

When we obviously got past the half way mark she began to do some serious marching, like nothing I have experienced before. Wasn't too comfy to sit either, and she grew about a hand too. Nice to see she can walk fast when she wants to that is!

As we were on the home stretch Mayfly perked up again, I assumed it was just her being silly again but, I a few seconds later a fully tacked up horse with no rider came galloping towards us. We both quickly put ourselves up close to the hedge so we were out of the way. Once he had shot past I went off after the horse and Catherine went in search of the rider.
The horse was heading to a very thin and bendy road that is very busy, I went off in search of it but it had vanished completely.
Mayfly and I went right up to the road, as if a car had seen a loose horse they would have stopped and said something to me. There was no sign of it so I assumed it had ran off in a different direction. I turned to head back to find Catherine when I heard someone shouting at me. A motorcyclist who had found the horse.
Basically, the horse had ran back to it's home and the rider was not hurt apart from being winded, someone had walked with a dog to accompany the rider as the horse is known to be unsafe out of hacks.

All in all a very eventful hack and poor Benjamin got himself in a big state over it all, bless him.
I feel I did my good deed for the day that is for sure!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Beautiful Day

Today I had what was one of the nicest hacks I have had in a long time.

I am not too sure why, but it really was very enjoyable. We didn't go exceedingly fast, just stayed in walk and trot, although Mayfly was very keen bless her, jogging here and there and zooming off into a very powerful trot before I could grab up the reins properly!
She was very happy out today if you hadn't guessed :D

We met 7 groups of young walkers with their big heavy rucksacks obviously doing their bronze Duke of Edinburgh. Ahh was funny to see them doing it after I had the joys of doing it last year.
I was hacking the exact same route as all of them were walking so I knew, whilst they were sitting there thinking they were lost, where they should be going. Aren't I mean? :)

We got back and I gave her a good feed, which she was exceptionally eager to have of course, and then I turned her out for the night and we had a little "play" in the field.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Happy Hello's

I am back from my holiday, and seeing as I missed The Fly so incredibly I went down to see her today when my flight was through the night and i got all of 30minutes sleep on it.

Anyway, it was a wonderful day today, the bluebells are out and everything has turned green with in the time that I have been gone!

Mayfly gave me a lovely long hello when I went to get her in from the field, (as she is living out now, and very happy to be doing so, due to her being in the field with the most sweetest spring grass ahaa) she gave me kisses and looked pleased to see start with anyway haha.

We went for a hack in the sunshine, so of course Mayfly was all sweaty by the time we returned. I contemplated just showering her or actually giving her a first bath of the year... and seeing as she is all dusty and greasy I thought a bath it would be.
She was a little fidgety but, when I attempted her face she was about ready to kill me. She played tricks trying to get me away and the hose and water off her face; standing on the hose, shaking her head about, pulling backwards and giving me "the eye" ahaaa. I did eventually manage to give it a good massage and wash.

She looked like a drowned drip by the end of the whole session :D

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Living Out

Mayfly and Bonnie had their first night living out in the field yesterday...
Of course Mayfly spent a long time standing in the "bring me in, this is ridiculous" spot, shouting trying to catch my attention as she was sure I had made a mistake in turning her out.
Eventually she realised that she was going to be staying out there, with her lovely new rug on too :o)

She had lovely new shoes put on today, there are a marvel. Amazes me what wonders they do for her as well.
We went for a lovely little canter today as the weather was so good and she was up for it too bless her!
Poor marey has some nasty mud fever down the front of her hind leg, it is very sore so is being coated in suda-cream in hope that is will heal quickly. Also now that the mud has gone that should be helpful too.
Her field was fertilised today, so soon the much wanted green grass will start to come through - especially with the amount of sun we are getting at the moment. So that will please Fly a lot more :D

Sunday, 29 March 2009

All is Good!

Mayfly is doing so well at the moment :o)

She is very happy to go out on her daily hack and she is storming along in trot with the odd break into canter when she chooses. ahaa.
Her mud fever is also improving now the weather and ground is drying out, and the fields were harrowed and rolled the other day so they look very lovely now (not for long though obviously with the mad bunch that are in them)
She is even loosing some weight, at last! Although she did barge out of her stable today in search of some haylage "if your not going to give me any I'll go and get some myself!" ahaa.
I do know what is dawning on me though...she is need of a tidy up, main pull, bridle path trim and tail trim. urggg I do leave it too long so it is harder to do when I finally get round to it.

On a better note though, it is very good too see her so happy and loving life, and with summer on the way she is all set for another enjoyable fat year :D

Sunday, 22 March 2009

From one Extreme to the Other...

Went on an early hack this morning on Madame Mayfly. She started at her usual waddle pace so we had to keep trotting to keep up with Ben's long stride! She did speed up a bit though when we made it passed the half way point.

Her leggies seems to be suffering from her mud fever again so I slapped on loads of suda-cream (nappy cream aha) and hopefully they won't fill too much more.
She is definitely loosing weight, thinking of measuring her belly to see if there is weight loss going on or I am just imagining it :D

So in the afternoon I had my birthday surprise - a jumping lesson on a event horse (which is for sale) called Sol. He was a real sweetheart and helped me out when I had some sticky moments, ie forgetting the course at the end. ahaa. He was the complete opposite of Mayfly not only in size but he actually jumped up into the air and over the jump unlike Fly's constant attempt to save energy and just skim the top pole!
Now, seeing as I haven't jumped in 4 months I was a bit apprehensive on how things would go but, I was rather pleased with myself as I also had never ridden this horse before.
Although, I am sure my body will be feeling a bit sore from it soon as it hasn't done that much work in a long while!

Anyway thanks to Catherine I got a some video footage of my lesson for all you to see and laugh at :o)

Sorry that the quality was ruined!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Hyper Mayfly :D

Wow, the weather has been beautiful this week :o)
I have seen the first bumble bee of the year and all the blossom and daffodils are officially out, bright and pretty.

Mayfly has started the spring in season, and well this causes mixed behaviour.
She is very loving but, at the same time moody over more things. The thing that is standing out most is her want and need to go fast at the moment.
Before we had even left for today's hack the other horses were being fed so of course this lead to a tantrum. Luckily I think she quickly forgot and we had a lovely hack, with actually some purpose not just a daily waddle. aha.
She kept breaking into canter so I decided to let her have a little one across the field - just a few strides. She seems to be feeling really good at the moment and doing wonderfully, which is great :D

Got some lovely shots with my new camera today too. Nice and artistic :)


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Bouncy but Angry Fly

Mayfly is being a little madame at the moment!
I think that is is due to makes her angry. One little trick that she is obsessed with using against me at the moment is not opening her mouth for the bit, no matter what I try she just doesn't budge and it is so frustrating.
But, she is loosing some fat so it must be working. ahaha.

Today she was determined for me to make sure she was the first in form the fields not the others, spoilt yes!
Her legs were looking a lot better which is very good news and well she was definitely feeling very good too :o)

Whilst we were heading out on our hack she was doing a very bouncy walk, which felt amazing I must say! Then it turned into a jog, which is not so comfy or enjoyable so I soon brought her back to walk...or a march in Mayfly's case.
She even had a few random spazzy moments over..nothing. So her usual action to conserve energy were definitely not in use today. We had a lovely medium trot too, although I am not sure that is too good on her legs, but she would not go any slower :D

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Itchy Legs...

Poor Miss. Fly had a bit of a filled back leg this morning when I took off her bandages.

We trotted her up and she seemed ok so decided that she needed to walk out as standing on it all day doesn't do her any favours.
The only thing I could think that had caused it was her mud fever as I was picking at it quite a lot yesterday, and I had cleaned her legs.
So once out on our hack with Ben and Catherine Mayfly soon settled down and was enjoying herself. That was until she began to get itchy legs from her mud fever - she started to swoosh her tail, then jumping into trot so we had a nice trot in hope that would bang out the itchiness...unfortunately not she began kicking out (which she never does) so I took this as my cue to get off her and rub down her legs. Spoilt mare!
While I was off I took of her boots and checked her leg, which happily had become a lot less swollen.
Once I got back on she gave one more swoosh of the tail and was fine for the rest of the hack :o)

It was such a lovely day today, and our 2 hour hack was much enjoyed by all. Even Ben was nice a chilled out for once. Mayfly did lots of poos so hopefully she lost some weight too and we even produce some sweat today! And all the buds are coming out on the trees - finally some signs of much wanted spring.

She will have the day off tomorrow to rest and then she should be all back to normal for a little hack on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

The First Canter

Well, not literally my first canter. But, my first canter on Mayfly since she she got her osteoarthritis.

She was very happy to be doing something a bit more exciting again, but was well behaved and didn't shoot off but she seemed comfortable doing it :o)
I was so happy to be cantering again, didn't realise how much I've missed a proper ride with a canter...even if it was only about 10 strides. hehe.
The canter will not be too often though, and only on perfect ground as little Miss Mayfly can't be doing her normal charge about anymore, and I sure know what she can be like! She will just have to learn to chill out a bit...

She was a funny mare when I went to feed her today. I think she felt she had been waiting far too long, and as I was opening the bolt on the door she gave my hand a big nudge telling me to hurry up as I was obviously going for too slow, and Mayfly's dinner waits for no-one. aha.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Mayfly hasn't been this large in a long time.
I don't know what has got into her but she is getting through so much haylage, she is now being "drip fed" it. lol.
She even had some little hives on her belly due to the excessive amount of haylage she has been eating and at the astonishing pace she eats it at!

When it comes to the riding on the other hand, she is doing really well. She seems very happy out on hacks, even if she does get a little bored at times.

Sunday was very windy so she was a little cheeky out on our hack, she was determined not to have to walk into the wind, ah dear!
However, we had a lovely reasonably long hack with a nice forward going trot (my arms were in pain by the end!)

Tonight, when I arrived she had not food left so my greeting was an angry call for more - and of course the lip was wiggling.
We just went for a little hack up the track and in the set aside, lovely evening :o)
Unfortunately, just as I had hopes for the ground beginning to dry out it rained last night and today so yet again we are left with soggy ground.
On the other hand the daffodils are on their way, which means spring if finally coming!! :D

Friday, 6 March 2009

Ewww, Sickening Hack!

Mayfly was absolutely filthy when I arrived today as she had been out without a rug on.
She is in desperate need of a bath as her coat is so dusty and yuk...just need the weather to warm up a bit first.

So eventually after a long hard groom we made it out on our hack.

We went down to the woods behind the field and wondered round them, then as we were turning a corner Mayfly pricked up her ears and her put her head high in the air - I was a bit cautious at what she was looking at cause I find those woods scary enough! lol. But standing there was a deer, it tried to run away but it was hobbling, then I noticed it had a nasty wound on it's shoulder and one of it's front legs was hanging of the, swinging around when her tried to hop away. I felt sorry for the poor thing, but at the same time it was disgusting!!

Once this trauma was over we managed to have a rather nice hack, Fly was a bit full of herself and I really had to hold her back in trot naughty marey is desperate to go for a canter - she doesn't seem to understand why she can't!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Sweet Little Mayfly :o)

Mayfly seemed to be overly kind and loving today.
I hadn't been up to see her for the past two days as I have been unfortunately ill, so it was very nice to receive such a warm welcome from the Mare.

She was giving me kisses, and resting her wobbling lip on me so in return I blew raspberries on her nose. Hehe, don't I sound like a mad women!? And I found a real itchy spot on her hindquarters so she got a good'ol scratch and massage with the rubber curry comb, which she absolutely loves :D

Oh, forgot to update on Saturday...we went for our longest hack yet - 1 3/4 hours with quite a substantial amount of trot. Fly really enjoyed herself but got a little tired and was a bit sore when evening came but that is to be expected. The hack was good fun though, it was one of the new ones which we had only done once before, so enjoyed by all.

Anyway, it was a lovely evening tonight. We went for a hack and I could resist getting off and getting some pictures so I planted my phone on a tree and did so :o) Although they aren't the best of photos - I really am in need of a new camera as my old one broke.

Also for once in a long time, there was no deer around today (but I guess I shouldn't speak too soon).

Saturday, 28 February 2009

New Shoes equals a New Horse

Mayfly had new shoes done, with a new slightly different shape to them. Thanks to this she is now better than ever :D

The shoes are very nice, handmade beautifully I must say!

They help Mayfly with how she places her hind legs so not to cause twisting or anything on her hocks, and well they seem to be doing wonders.
Fly is so happy and really going for it at the moment. Takes a lot of effort to hold her back when we trot bless her - she is off wanting to canter already!! She'll have to wait for that though.
It is very nice to be able to go on proper hacks and not be gone for absolutely years. lol.

Lovely Fly went out without a rug on for the first time today, and what did she go and do?!?
Find the muddiest spot in the field and roll of course. "I'm gonna roll here!"
:@ took me ages to brush all the thick mud that she was coated in, and I didn't even manage to get all of it off...ahh horses huh?

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Today was the day of our first trot since she went lame.
It felt very good to be doing a bit more again (and I haven't forgotten how to rise haha!)

Yet again the deer were out and about again. They seem to be becoming tame - not scared of the horses and are no longer running far far away, which is far from a good thing the stupid creatures. So today one was just wondering along the track nice a slowly as Fly and I were about 2 meters away from it and it wasn't even bothered! ahh they really are going to cause an accident.

We went for our trot in a bit of set aside in a field, she was very happy to do it and seemed to being enjoying herself. So we will be taking it easy and popping in a little bit of trot into a few hacks from now on :o)

And even with this more excitement to the hack she still had to spook at a banging noise coming from a nearby house, naughty naughty and she grew by at least a hand. But, I made sure to get after her as well it is getting somewhat silly now!

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Proper Hackidge

For the first time in a long time Fly and I have been able to do one of the proper hacks instead of little walks and having to turn around :)

It was such a lovely day, but gosh things take a while; firstly took us 45 minutes to groom and tack up due to the excessive amount of mud :O then in walk the hack seemed to take rather a while too, and Mayfly got a bit pissed off and bored towards the end - Silly Moo! I did try and explain to her that seeing as she had spent the whole day sunbathing that she really needed to do some exercise and well, she should stop being so lazy! haha. Also we are going to build up gradually to begin trotting, which shall be nice and I am sure she will be happier about too.

I took a bag of crisps for my lunch with me on the hack and the whole way round everytime I put my hand in the bag to get out some crisp Fly would slow down and put her ear on me as if to say, "excuse me, I am the one doing the work here where is my share??"

It was nice to know that we could make it around a hack in walk and she was still walking perfectly fine at the end, and that we can progress from here.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Good News :D

Today we went back to Cambirdge Equine Clinic for Mayfly's check-up.

She was far from impressed to be back there again, and kept her eye on us the whole time to make sure that we weren't about to leave her there again! haha.

Yet again the vets spent ages attempting to get Mayfly to stand square as she kept resting her legs or just standing like a numpty.
Then she woddled around whilst they all studied her movement, before lunging her when she decided to have a little bit of a fun canter...much to the vet's surprise!
They also did a flexion on her which was funny to watch as they struggled to hold up her legs. lol.

She was very happy to get back home as she had a bit of a worry in the lorry, too much for her leggies.
Then when we did finally get home she had to sqeeze her way into little Flea's rug as Ben had the one she wears on, and due to her being so incredibly fat I had to lengthen all the straps!!

So overall the vet said that she has improved a lot, and that she can now start to be trotted out on hacks and go for longer distances, still keeping it nice and easy on the old girl :o)

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Pretty Snowdrops and Scary Birdscares

The snowdrops are out, prettyful :D

Been doing the usual walking with Fly but, we have now progressed on to walking for 45 minutes which is quite good as it means we can actually hack out properly a bit more.

Have been finding little hacks (which happen to mean a bit of offtrack hacking) that are nice and easy, so me and Fly have been enjoying that.
Fly has also been enjoying making a big deal out of literally EVERYTHING! naughty mare. Today it was the metal, shiny, windmill bird scarer thing that seem to be in the middle of a lot of fields at the moment. She wouldn't walk anywhere near it to start with the eventually she decided to do a really bouncy joggy number past it, with me sat on top trying my hardest to get her to walk and relax! haha.

She has been going out in the field, much to her hate. And everyday when I arrive she is sleeping in the middle of it standing up rest her back leg, then when I go to get her in she just stands there and looks at me as if to say "I am not going to co-operate with you when I get chucked out in the rubbish!"
She is such a spoilt horse, and never fails to make me laugh!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Lovely Weather..At last!

Finally some nice weather, warmer with sun in the sky and nearly all the snow has melted! :o)

Mayfly was sunbathing in the field when I arrived, happy to see me but, not too bothered on moving. Bless her.

Eventually we went out on a lovely hack, apart from the yucky mud that has accumulated everywhere now the snow has melted! Yum...
Mayfly was rather well behaved compared to her recent behavior when hacking, I guess I shouldn't speak too soon!

Fly now has even more supplements to add to her already extremely expensive dinner! Hopefully they are doing wonders, have to be very careful not to spill any. haha.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Herding Deer Through a River

Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite like the title but, all will be explained!

Mayfly has these new strips with a magnet in that velcro up, which go around her fetlocks on her hind legs. They are supposed to help with her arthritis, she looks like a bit of a idiot bless her. She has to have them on all the time (or as much as possible). hehe.

Hacked yesterday but, wasn't much to write about as it was cold and very very wet!

Went up again today, Mayfly was in a bit of a grump as she had been stuck in her stable all day doing nothing...she even went to bite me :O she felt my arm and moved so fast in the other direction as she knew that what she had done meant BIG TROUBLE!
Then to add to her annoying behavior she decided that she would make her self super fat meaning that it was close to impossible to get her girth on, and she is getting fat anyway with only walking and being stuck in eating haylage! oh deary me!

Eventually we went on our was a rather adventurous one, everything was flooded. There were mini waterfalls, and I was basically walking through was crazy!
To add to the excitement things were all rather scary and spooky for poor Fly. The birds, deer on the track, some blue tarp floating on the "river" and she walked my leg into a twig which snapped and sent her flying but, I managed to control her quickly.

Then we went into a field which was full of deer and we seemed to be herding them, wherever we went the ran in the other direction...haha they are such stupid creatures!

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Sweeet Mayfly :o)

:O Found out that Mayfly has a full brother, 170cm, Bay and will be 21 this year. But, that isn't the exciting bit...He was a Grade A Show Jumper!

Bless Mayfly :D

Went for another little hack in the snow again today, although is was much more eventful than our usual hacks!
The deer were out and about charging around today, so Mayfly took the chance to spook and spin around the jog her way out of the field. naughty mare, I think she is getting a little bored - she added a bit of excitement to her walks. I think I need to have some more stern words with her. haha.

Afterwards, I thought it would be nice to take her for a walk around and graze (on what grass she could uncover) she began quite enthusiastically wiggling her nose around in the snow for grass but, did get the hang of it and started digging with her front leg. She also had a nice big scratch on a tree, the whole things woobled I thought that she was going to push it over with the force of her fat hefty self and bum! Then I think she got a bit tired, she decided to have a nap in the sun (it was quite a pleasant day, pretty with the snow and sun) she looked so funny! Cheeky mare I take her out for a stretch and she falls asleep whist I have to stand with her, I must admit I took advantage and got some cute photo's. hehe.

Overall Fly had a very good day - spoilt muchly!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Snow Stilts

My 3rd snow day of this week :D

Went up in the morning as per usual. Did some mucking out, and luckily one of the taps was working however the hose was frozen up. But, it did mean I had less distance to haul the buckets of water to and throw.

The Physio came and had a little look at Mayfly which, Mayfly very much enjoyed, all this pampering I don't know! Of course she could not stop to shovel down the haylage at the same time. haha.

It was a bit slippy - ice with a layer of snow on top - so chose not to ride until later.

Went shopping instead, got Smartie a new numnah (tiniest thing I think I have ever seen) bless him.

When I did ride, with Ben too, we found that due to the snow being very sticky and wet the poor horses were struggling to cope with huge "snow stilts" that were appearing under their hooves. When I got off Mayfly had grown by a hand from when i got on her! haha.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Sunshine and Snow!

Another snow day!
I am enjoying this, riding in the snow and today it was even better with the added extra of the sun (but it made it start to melt, and caused slight "snow blindness!" haha)

Walked there again today, but I didn't leave anywhere near as early.

We went for a little hack with Ben who was not too keen on the white stuff, Mayfly kept sighing at him. ahh dear.
We had a little break and of course Mayfly took her chance to wiggle the snow off the grass with her nose and begin munching. She kept doing that thing where she rest her front foot, which is slightly unbalancing when your on top of her! I think this caused her too get a cold nosey :P

Smartie and Flea went out again today, a little happier as it wasn't actually snowing. Although at one point we thought they had done a runner...Smarite digging his way out of the field?! haha.

Bought some new posh bandages for the Fly as well today. They don't need a gamgee, so hopefully will be a lot quicker to do. Also they will be very good for when the weather gets hotter as the keep the legs cool. Good purchase all round hopefully, just have to wait until we use them.

Monday, 2 February 2009


Such a pretty day, like being in Narnia!

I got up and walked across the fields to the yard a 8:30 this morning, yes I was keen! and was there till gone 4, must say not outside the whole time though. Horses we not too impressed by the weather and yet again we had no running water in the barn.

We turned out Flea and Smartie as Flea would of just got very bored and become annoying if he stayed in all day.
Flea was loving it, playing with the snow - rearing at it haha. However, Smartie was far from keen poor boy. So we did give them some haylage to make them happy but, I am thinking that Smartie's coat is like a artic sleeping bag!

Did some mucking out and then decided that as Mayfly can't go without having a walk in the day that I should brave it and go on a little hack.

To start our hack, her boots had frozen rock solid so had to find some others. On the other hand, luckily it stopped snowing for the time I was out :)

She was a cheeky little marey, took any chance of me bending down under the snow covered branches to jump into trot, ahh dear. It was really enjoyable though as well we don't experience this much snow often and it was all so perfect (until we went trudging through it!) Met some deer enjoying the weather too, but when don't we meet deer on our travels!

She isn't looking to bad huh? not too fat ...

She was quite content to spend her day in her stable, listening to Radio 2 and shoveling haylage into her mouth whilst be able to watch the snow, and me being an idiot making snowmen and snowangels! Lazy Mayfly!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Lip Muscle Work-out Day

Haaa. Well from the moment I arrived in the morning Mayfly was perfecting her art of open her stable door using her lip along with wiggling it as she wanted food.
She was being rather sneaking, and I think she most definitely wanted to get out.

So once she was ready we went out for a hack, with Catherine and Benjamin. It is so muddy and yuck at the moment, therefore we attempted to find a way round the mud. This meant we crossed a couple of footbridges haha, and found some lovely fields, which Mayfly was determined to tell me were great for a gallop..hmmm.
After this joyousness we only had to turn round and go back through the yummy mud again. lol Then as a finishing point she had a major fit over someone walking there dog, mixed with her wanted to get back home, silly mare supposed to be taking it easy not jogging sideways. tutut.

When I turned her out with Bonnie (who was already in the field) she ran sideways with her bum towards her. argg she is such a moody cow!
But later on she was very friendly when I went to say bye to her in the field, and surprisingly she did not have a grump in being out in the mini snow storm either.

If it does articly snow tonight like the weather thinks and school is shut, then I am going to walk over to see her tomorrow :D

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Superly HAPPY!

I am very happy to get back up on Mayfly :o)

She seemed so big though as the last horse I rode was 12hh. lol

After some stern words that we had to only walk - gently, our walk actually turned out to be a rather enjoyable one. The only moment was her randomly spooking sideways at nothing, but I can't really blame her as it was very windy and she hasn't been out of her field or stable in a long time bless her. Luckily due to the shooting there was close to no wildlife, just an appetising vertebrae of some dead animal. haha.

I forgot how happy riding made me, just being able to wonder on out with Mayfly and be together is a great feeling and I can't wait till we can get back to some proper hacking again.
I also think that Fly is enjoying it too, she has been cooped up and bored for too long.

Although the 30mins walk meant that when she returned to her stable she had to engulf all her haylage super fast and she even had early dinner (which is probably more expensive than my dinner!) ahh dear. I do love her!

Friday, 30 January 2009

The Time has Come :D

Mayfly is now sound (touch wood) so tomorrow is the day for me to get back in the saddle :D

It will be 30mins walk, I think I will have to have some stern words with Fly before I get on stating that it is walk, not jog, nor backwards and no spooking! As after her time off she will be very up for it. haha. I bet the deer will come for a jolly with us just for that added extra too...oh no maybe they won't as they are shooting in the morning so lets hope that scares all the scary nature away from the land.

So, she was left out today until it was close to darkness, which she was far far far from happy about. Ended up being in somewhat of a strop bless the spoilt marey! Decided it would be clever to try and kill poor Bonnie...hmm.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Chirpy Mayfly? Most Definatley

I am happy to have a chirpy Mayfly back again :D

She has really perked up since she got back, so I am guessing and hoping that the steroids are kicking in.
However, her feeling good does mean that the gentle 10 minute in-hand walk is far from easy! She keeps threatening to take off (unless she is allowed to graze at the grass) and well with just a head color on she is somewhat strong...ahhh naughty naughty.
Yesterday we did our walk with the deer - literally, they are such stupid animals, but they sure can jump which they showed to me and Fly be shooting over the metal gate..wowie. haha.

I have got until Thursday of this fun then the more joys of doing it for half an hour on her back, how interesting that will be!

Not only is Mayfly perked up but she is being oooberly friendly bless her - gave me a kiss, which I would usually be more than happy to receive but, not when she had just finished her dinner...yum horse food...

Ohh and Delami is now sold, he has gone to a driving home to be driven with a little mare who is identicle to him. Bless. So finally it is truely "Goodbye Delami".

Friday, 23 January 2009

She is Finally Back!

After having a not so fun week at the vets she is back to her much wanted home happy to be eating some "proper grub", and of course getting spoilt as well.
I can't say that I haven't missed her, and well the yard has been quite from her angry hungry moaning. hahaa

She definitely missed the other horses too...she was back to pulling grumpy faces at them as per usual "Mayfly rules the Roost", and not forgetting that her haylage was gone super fast, in case she had actually lost any weight - Must be fat, must stuff my face!

So, She is now on the road to recovery (with her little shaven hocks. hehe.) and will be back to good old hacking soon!For the week she is having to be walked by hand for 10minutes, the can start the walking on her back in straight line - yes, I will be back in the saddle next weekend fingers crossed :o)

Monday, 19 January 2009

Today is the Day

So off went Fly to the Cambridge Equine Clinic.

She was excitied to be going somewhere as she hasn't been in the lorry for a long time!

When she arrived she did her usual "no need to worry I am here" act. lol what a funny one. And from then on she spent her time being a little madame with the vets, they wanted her to stand square - so she kept resting her legs and ended up standing on her own hooves! haha.
Her next trick was to suss out every one of the students in search of per usual.
She rather enjoyed all the attention and was having a laugh untill she set eyes upon her stable. Hmmm not quite what she is used to, she spent the first 10 mintutes frantically searching for food but, without success.

When they asked what they should feed her the reply was "less is more", But to be honest I am sure they could work that one out by the size of her gut. The vets even struggled to asses the muscle due to her round bum. haha Bless her.

She will be there till Thursday as she has to be shod with special shoes and have some treatment for her arthritus.
When her ladyship returns she will be back into light work everyday to keep her ticking over and not exploding in size! :D

I can't wait to get back aboard and in the saddle again!

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Near Discovery

The Vet came out today in order to do Ben's teeth. Whilst she was out she took a look at Mayfly, and she may have discovered the cause of her lameness.
Mayfly is lame on both back legs, not just one like we thought.
On Monday Fly is going to go to the Equine Clinic, where she will have scans to confirm or rule out arthritis and then we will know hopefully what her exercise regime will be.
Fingers crossed that I can get back on her and go for some good old Happy Hacking as we do best!

Here is a little video dedicated to such an amazing horse :o)

Sunday, 11 January 2009

No Progress

Thought I'd give a quick update.

Trotted Fly up today seeing as she has been on box rest for a near week, unfortunately she is still lame. However happy in herself, as whilst I was trotting her up she thought it might be clever to try and bugger off, and she is strong when she wants to be! lol

Gave her a nice groom and clean up, which was much needed.
She kept asking for FOOD but, her belly is the size of a house so she is getting no treats from me, aren't I nasty to her. haa

On a good note - there was a break through today...The hose finally stared working :O All of them have been frozen up since Friday 2nd January! Also horses will hopefully be able to go out tomorrow, Little Flea is so bored of being in his stable - gave him a bedding bag to play with today. haha.
Also did some "horse shopping" on Saturday, went to see a lovely 15hh 4year old dun mare. She was lovely natured but, her legs and feet were just too thin and not really in proportion with her body, which was a shame. Guess it is an excuse to do some more searching :D

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

No Riding...

Whoa England couldn't be any colder!
Anyway...Mayfly has basically been on box rest due to the weather, I guess that is good for her, apart from the enlarging stomach. haa. Look at her - rather content don't you think??
I must say I am and expert with the bandaging now, ahh dear.

Had what is to be probably my last ride for a while as believe it or not Delami has hopefully found a home, already. He goes on trial on Saturday. So, I got aboard him for maybe the final time ever :o(
He was a good boy, I must say I think he has chilled out and is beginning to grow up somewhat now.
Wouldn't hold my word to him going yet though as it wouldn't be a surprise if he came back again. lol
It does mean though (amazement) there is a empty stable :O

All this means that from now on till Fly comes sound there will be no riding.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Ho Hum, Poor Old Fly

The physio came on Saturday and had a good look at Mayfly.
Unfortunately it was not good news.

As we knew she is dragging her near hind and supporting the weight more in her off hind. As a result of this she is not weight bearing evenly, which is causing her windgalls to fill.
The good news is she has no arthritis, no injury to pelvis or sacroiliac as both of these areas moved freely and she seems fairly comfortable, which is good news.
Therefore Mayfly could have some strain to a tendon or ligament, I hope that it is nothing too serious.

So basically she is going to have a month off, then will be checked over again in February.

Silly Fly, her spirit is willing but her body just can't cope.

All in all I have a month at the least with out riding, I will be riding the naughty Delami in aid to get him sold but who knows how long or short it will be until he is sold (someone is coming to see him tomorrow).
But, I will probably post the odd update, not often though due to there won't be much to interest you to write about...just pampering, food eating, and of course bandage changing. lol