Saturday, 2 May 2009

Eventful Hack!!!

Today we went on a hack with Catherine and Ben.
Mayfly started quite slow and lazy, going for her daily waddle. Mind you as soon as we got close to the turnings which take us onto a long hack so picked up the pace in order to gallop past them so I couldn't turn her up them. I was having none of that! :O

When we obviously got past the half way mark she began to do some serious marching, like nothing I have experienced before. Wasn't too comfy to sit either, and she grew about a hand too. Nice to see she can walk fast when she wants to that is!

As we were on the home stretch Mayfly perked up again, I assumed it was just her being silly again but, I a few seconds later a fully tacked up horse with no rider came galloping towards us. We both quickly put ourselves up close to the hedge so we were out of the way. Once he had shot past I went off after the horse and Catherine went in search of the rider.
The horse was heading to a very thin and bendy road that is very busy, I went off in search of it but it had vanished completely.
Mayfly and I went right up to the road, as if a car had seen a loose horse they would have stopped and said something to me. There was no sign of it so I assumed it had ran off in a different direction. I turned to head back to find Catherine when I heard someone shouting at me. A motorcyclist who had found the horse.
Basically, the horse had ran back to it's home and the rider was not hurt apart from being winded, someone had walked with a dog to accompany the rider as the horse is known to be unsafe out of hacks.

All in all a very eventful hack and poor Benjamin got himself in a big state over it all, bless him.
I feel I did my good deed for the day that is for sure!

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