Saturday, 21 February 2009

Proper Hackidge

For the first time in a long time Fly and I have been able to do one of the proper hacks instead of little walks and having to turn around :)

It was such a lovely day, but gosh things take a while; firstly took us 45 minutes to groom and tack up due to the excessive amount of mud :O then in walk the hack seemed to take rather a while too, and Mayfly got a bit pissed off and bored towards the end - Silly Moo! I did try and explain to her that seeing as she had spent the whole day sunbathing that she really needed to do some exercise and well, she should stop being so lazy! haha. Also we are going to build up gradually to begin trotting, which shall be nice and I am sure she will be happier about too.

I took a bag of crisps for my lunch with me on the hack and the whole way round everytime I put my hand in the bag to get out some crisp Fly would slow down and put her ear on me as if to say, "excuse me, I am the one doing the work here where is my share??"

It was nice to know that we could make it around a hack in walk and she was still walking perfectly fine at the end, and that we can progress from here.

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