Saturday, 31 January 2009

Superly HAPPY!

I am very happy to get back up on Mayfly :o)

She seemed so big though as the last horse I rode was 12hh. lol

After some stern words that we had to only walk - gently, our walk actually turned out to be a rather enjoyable one. The only moment was her randomly spooking sideways at nothing, but I can't really blame her as it was very windy and she hasn't been out of her field or stable in a long time bless her. Luckily due to the shooting there was close to no wildlife, just an appetising vertebrae of some dead animal. haha.

I forgot how happy riding made me, just being able to wonder on out with Mayfly and be together is a great feeling and I can't wait till we can get back to some proper hacking again.
I also think that Fly is enjoying it too, she has been cooped up and bored for too long.

Although the 30mins walk meant that when she returned to her stable she had to engulf all her haylage super fast and she even had early dinner (which is probably more expensive than my dinner!) ahh dear. I do love her!

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