Friday, 21 November 2008

Ouch.. The Pain

Rode Stirrupless today!

Ok it really isn't that painful...I am just being a drama queen. lol
Did my balance some good though.
It also got Mayfly really listening to me, and we were do leg yield beautifully as my legs were free and longer so I had better control, and a schooling whip for once which makes a big difference!

So..there were a crazy number of poles around the arena today, I decide to take advantage of this. We were doing some superb canter transitions from walk as we went over the pole. Mayfly was perfect at it, she amazed me :o)

Got a surprise of my life at one point, nearly went over here head.
We were cantering along and I slightly mentioned the word "woaa" thinking it would take a good few strides and some half halts to return her to walk, but I was wrong. She came to a complete, dead, halt immediately! Was a big shock. ha.

Also did some ground work again at the end of the session, she is getting pretty good at the whole thing now. Hopefully I am not some crazy freak to her anymore. lol.

Overall she was in a very "cute" mood today, which is what I like! hehe

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