Wednesday 19 November 2008

Lateral Work...

I realised that I haven't done any proper lateral work in the arena for quite a while...So that is what I did with Fly today.

She was a good girl, worked at a good pace and was listening to me well today too.

I began by doing some balance work, which was mainly just fun!
I half dismounted while Mayfly was still walking so I had one foot in the stirrup and were hovering in the air to one side of her I then got her moving a little faster, lent forward, and swung myself back into the saddle. I will just say that it is harder than it sounds :P

We did some counter canter, which is a new thing for us. Mayfly found it quite hard to start with, but began to understand it after a while. I need to help her to keep and outside bend, as then she will find it a little easier...but it was only my first go at it.

We also practiced our leg yield. We have stepped back to doing it in walk now, and aiming on keeping he straight and balanced, instead of trotting and ending up with her running through her should.
I must say that she is improving, gets a little frustrated at herself at times though! lol
Silly Marey...

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