She is very happy to go out on her daily hack and she is storming along in trot with the odd break into canter when she chooses. ahaa.
Her mud fever is also improving now the weather and ground is drying out, and the fields were harrowed and rolled the other day so they look very lovely now (not for long though obviously with the mad bunch that are in them)
She is even loosing some weight, at last! Although she did barge out of her stable today in search of some haylage "if your not going to give me any I'll go and get some myself!" ahaa.
I do know what is dawning on me though...she is need of a tidy up, main pull, bridle path trim and tail trim. urggg I do leave it too long so it is harder to do when I finally get round to it.
On a better note though, it is very good too see her so happy and loving life, and with summer on the way she is all set for another enjoyable fat year :D